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Imani Brooks-Wheeler stands as a beacon of multifaceted expertise, embodying roles as a C-Suite Strategist, accomplished writer, Spiritual Care Advisor, Mediator for High-Net-Worth Individuals, and an aspiring Bioethicist. Her dynamic presence sparks transformative conversations at the crossroads of entrepreneurship, public policy, and spiritual care, reshaping perceptions of self-worth and divine connection.

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Meet Imani Brooks-Wheeler


With a foundation in Mass Media Arts - Broadcasting from Hampton University, Imani's educational journey underscores her diverse skill set. A recognized voice in leadership and personal development, she holds certifications as a speaker, trainer, and coach from the John Maxwell Certification Program, alongside being a Certified Trauma Support Specialist via the Arizona Trauma Institute and a Certified DISC Behavioral Consultant. Imani is finalizing her mediator certification with the National Association of Certified Mediators and boasts accredited chaplaincy training from esteemed institutions like Children’s Medical Center in Dallas, TX and UCLA Medical Center in Santa Monica, CA.


Imani's executive coaching is tailored for female business leaders, drawing from her extensive experience as an executive business partner at several Fortune 500 companies and reputable nonprofits. She possesses keen insight into the complexities of unresolved trauma within corporate spheres, offering a unique perspective on how internal struggles manifest externally, affecting both professional and personal realms. Her innovative 30-page curriculum, crafted in April 2022, stands as a cornerstone for mastermind groups or community building among executive women, aiming to bridge the gap between external success and internal fulfillment. 


Beyond the corporate world, Imani's passion extends to the entertainment industry, offering emotional wellness training for actors undergoing demanding roles and ensuring spiritual care in both preproduction and postproduction phases. Additionally, her expertise in mediation serves high-profile individuals seeking to resolve significant disputes discreetly, away from the media's speculative spins. This specialized service underscores her commitment to confidentiality and impactful, behind-the-scenes support for her celebrity clientele, available strictly by referral.

Imani's been to a few places and done a few things...

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